I also have Games Workshop's Warmaster system. Warmaster is fantasy
battles fought out with 10mm figures. I own an Empire army of humans, Elektor Graf of Talabheim, Josef I. The
dwarves of Kazad Kol, the Ice Queen of Kislev
and her kin, and the Brettonians of the
Black Forest support Graf Josef I. I had to get some bad guys to whup up on so I have
a Chaos army, an ork and goblin army and an undead army. Warmaster is one of the best
systems GW has put out. Detailed and concise rules where and when you need them. Rick
Priestly, the designer, on the Yahoo
Warmaster chat group and actively supports Warmaster. Fanatic Publications, another subsidiary of GW
will support the system for the near future. I will post pictures of my guys soonest...
I am now a Battlemaster for the new Wizkids
Mechwarrior:Dark Age product line. Who can beat battlemechs slugging it out on the
field of battle with conventional forces as well as other mechs. I also am a Judge for the
Heroclix line of superheroes. They have Marvel as well as DC superheroes that fight on the
tabletop. Sweeeeet! There is several support sites for these games and the best is MWRealms and HCRealms.
Go there you won't be disappointed.
The online auction systems on EBay are a good way to get what you want from other people who don't need it anymore. Don't get carried away though. Bid only what you want to pay for the thing and don't overbid. I have made several purchases from EBay that saved me lots of my wargaming money for other things when I bid well.
Portent.Net is also a great place for information. They have an auction site and a rumors site. This is where I first met Nick Davis formerly of Games Workshop UK and how I came to own the 95th Cadian Rifles that is detailed above.
Another selling and buying area on the web is Bartertown. Bartertown is run by wargamers. You may just be able to find some jewel you need that some other guy wants to get rid of.
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