Queen Rangers, Royalists

Military History
This page was updated last on Wednesday, 08 September 2004

Military History is not the glorification of war but the study of the tactics and strategy that went into the actions that were fought. Many times has the underdog won where he should not have. Many times did the right truimph over the wrong. Many times just the opposite happened. But there is always a common thread...Man. Common men in uncommon situations doing what they can. The common soldier has always carried the burden of warfare.

Military History

Sun Tzu's, the Art of War. One of the best reads of warfare. Read it. Learn it. Live it.

A very interesting site is Achtung Panzer!. This site is dedicated to the men of the Panzertruppe of Germany in WW2. Beautiful photos and drawings of German equipment. Amazing site.

The United States Army's Military History Institute. It's mission is to preserve the US Army's history and to ensure access to historical research materials. Enough said...

The United States Military Academies keep a lot of information on the wars the USA has been in. You can review some of their online maps. A great aide for the wargamer and historian alike.

MagWeb is a very cool site that helps the military historian and the gamer in ways not many other ways can match. It combines the speed and search capabilities of the internet with published magazines and journals. For a small yearly fee you can see 100 military history magazines and periodicals. MagWeb covers everything from ancients to modern. MagWeb is a great solution to your needs.

The History Channel on most major cable and satellite networks will keep you interested. They always have lots of military shows. You can learn alot from the History Channel.

The National Geographic website can keep you reading for days. There is always something great there.

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