This page is my links to wargaming on the internet. There are lots of things going on around the internet. As I get into or find more games online, I will surely post here.
The Civil War On-Line (CWOL). The
PREMIER American Civil War OnLine Game. We have completed
CWOL1, 2, 3, 2000, 5, and 6 over the past several years. CWOL is a hard core game of the
American Civil War. This will not be an easy test. You must work hard for your side to win
the war. You will experience difficulties in everything you do. But oh how much fun you
will have. Come visit CWOL, and join now! The Union and the Confederacy needs YOU!
The CWOL Combat Information Center is where you get all the turn updates to the game.
We are actively running the betas for the Napoleonic Wars On-Line (NWOL). NWOL will allow you to run a nation during the Napoleonic Wars of 1793-1815. It will be run using forms off the intranet and XLS spreadsheets. The betas have been for both land and naval warfare. The next will be economic and then we will begin the Wars in earnest. Keep a lookout for NWOL!
World War II from 1939-1945 was a period
of time when the world tried to tear itself apart. There are probably more wargames for
that time period than any other. The now defunct Avalon Hill game company created a game
called B17-Queen of the Skies. It was a solitare game that pitted you and your crew of a
B-17 Flying Fortress against the Luftwaffe in those early days of the air war in 1942. I am playing in a internet campaign with a great group of
guys using Avalon Hill's B17- Queen of the Skies. I am part of
the 400th Heavy Bombardment Group
and we are in 1943. Watch the exploits of my brave crew! I am also running the 200th Heavy Bombardment Group with 16 other guys around the
world. We are flying B-24s and it is late 1942. Come and join up and fly the "box the
B-17 came in!"
Internet Wargaming | Miniature Wargaming | Computer/Board Wargaming |
ACW Reenacting | USA Military | Military History |
Haygood Family |